Saturday, May 26, 2012

Blades of Product Placement

While spending my Friday night watching Blades of Glory, I noticed that the famed Chazz Michael Michaels was sporting a Puma sweatsuit. Maybe the producers wanted you to feel that Chazz Michael Michaels' spirit animal was a puma, but that is highly unlikely. The brand Puma put their product into Blades of Glory hoping that that audience would connect their brand with humor or male-pair figure skating like the movie. The main people to watch this movie are teenagers and college frat boys, along with people approaching middle age. This target audience are the ones that realize the extra poundage that they have been packing on would go out and buy athletic wear. Not to mention how cool it would be to say that you are wearing a similar sweatsuit as the great Chazz Michael Michaels.

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