Monday, May 28, 2012

Really Tic Tac?

While my sister was reading Seventeen magazine, she pointed to this ad and laughed at me saying that it is accurate for me. But that's a different argument. I get that they used statistics and facts, 13 years of your life is spent watching TV, but I just don't see how it is relevant to Tic Tacs. The only part that has to do with Tic Tacs is the fact that the information is spelled out in Tic Tacs. I just don't get where Tic Tac was going with this. Not to mention that the slogan "Shake it up," is very vague. What do I shake up? Or do I wiggle rather than shake it up? So many unanswered questions. What is also interesting (if you can see it on the bottom of the page with this awful picture) is the fact that they advertise an app where you can see all the different Tic Tac ads. This whole ad just doesn't fit for me. It is like they are trying to compact some excess information that they didn't know where to put into one ad.   

1 comment:

  1. I saw this ad when I was reading Seventeen magazine too, and I thought to myself, "What does this even have to do with Tic Tacs?" All it gave me was the idea to start spelling things out in Tic Tacs...but that still doesn't sell the product. I think it was trying to advertise that we spend so much time watching TV, we need to "shake up" our lives by having Tic Tacs instead of watching TV. That still won't solve anything though...

    P.S. No worries Megan, your sister can laugh at me too; I'm in the same boat as you for TV. :P We can spend the next 13 years of our lives watching TV together and eating Tic Tacs simultaneously. :)
