Sunday, June 3, 2012

"Who wouldn't want to see David Beckham with his shirt off?!"

I originally saw this commercial on ESPN. With David Beckham being a good soccer player and basically the icon for modern day soccer, it only makes sense that he appears on a sports channel. The target audience is directed to those males who know who Beckham is but it is also directed towards women because Beckham is used as a sex symbol in this commercial. It takes on the role of need for sex. We all want to see Beckham with his shirt off, this sex figure in this commercial. It also uses wit and humor. When the Burger King worker suggests that David Beckham takes off his shirt since it is dirty, all the women in Burger King raise their hand agreeing that his shirt needs to come off. But if you watch the commercial, there is only 6 seconds (0:03-0.09) that really describes what Burger King is trying to sell, their "fresh made" smoothies.

Title quote brought to you by Mama Hennessy

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